Why are we selling this furniture?
We are planning a major renovation of the house that will take a couple of years to complete.
We have to move our entire collection into safe, climate controlled storage to accommodate the renovation.
We have a large number of furniture pieces and other unique items that do not fit our new vision.
What are we to do with them?
We are offering these to other museums and historical societies, most at no cost to those organizations.
We are also offering them to collectors and vendors at a very low cost.
Here is the process.
During the month of July, Starting July 12th
Tuesdays 1 to 4 pm
Thursdays 1 to 4 pm
Fridays 1 to 4 pm
You are welcome to stop by, look at the items, they will all be price tagged.
If any look interesting, we move into the relm of "Let's Make a Deal".
Questions? Want to come at a time or date other than above?
email us at contact@sumnermuseum.org and we can start a conversation.
Here is a sample of what you will find, there is more than what is pictured here