We are moving towards an increased presence on the web. Providing a research portal for area historians and families researching their history.
Over the last 40 years, individuals and families have brought us their histories, their photographs and their stories. We will be be very busy digitizing and documenting these treasures so we can share that history with the valley.
Docents used to greet visitors at the museum and share Sumner's story with tours and teachable, touchable moments. They are now cataloging, scanning and sharing digital editions of our huge collection of family histories, business and agricultural history.
New web based software will help us coordinate our activities. Portable, top-down scanners will allow us to work from home or in small temporary work spaces. Is that possible? The pandemic taught us that it is.
We are also continuing to digitize our collection of Sumner's weekly newspapers, by the end of 2022 we will have 23 years of past editions on the web, all in a searchable format.
Our artifacts and historical education displays will still come out as we move through this change. We and our partners are developing portable exhibits and small permanent exhibits. Stay tuned.
What is the Historical Society doing?