That is the most common remark that docents hear when greeting visitors to the museum. Understandable when you learn that the Ryan House was the local library from 1926 to 1978. A span of over 50 years.
There are a significant number of people that grew up in that library. Many still live in the area or come back to visit. They love their memories and they love that the Historical Society has preserved the source of those memories.
There are reminders of the library period throughout the house. White bookcases built to book size. The carved wooden sign proclaiming "Sumner Library". Collections of books. Old typewriters.
A wonderfully comfortable research room on the second floor with a rolling library ladder.
There were free lending libraries in Sumner prior to the Ryan House library, they were housed in buildings that had extra space and because of that moved around quite often. Individuals, businesses and civic clubs keep them alive with the strength of volunteerism. The Ryan House library brought permanence. The library later became part of the Pierce County Library system.
I remember this when it was the library.